

about denver dance photography

Since 2004, Eli has grown from a serious amateur photographer to a nationally-recognized professional photographer, best known for his work in dance photography and corporate headshots.

As the owner of Denver Dance Photography, Eli does most of the photography, and some recital photography is done by photographers trained by Eli.

Good photographers are easy to find, great photographers can get the job done, but an exceptional photographer can stop time, capture the best version of a person, and make even the “non-photogenic” person proud of an image.

Eli has years of professional experience and is especially skilled in movement and studio lighting. He can help you celebrate your favorite features and downplay any aspects you don’t want on display. With his coaching, personalized lighting, and professional rapport, Eli will create an atmosphere of comfort and ease to show off your personality and craft through your image.

At Denver Dance Photography, we’re not just creating a pretty picture. Together, we’ll create memories that last outside of time and convey confidence, competence, and friendliness.